==========:.THE FUTURE OF MOHAA.:========== -
06-26-2003, 12:25 PM
We are all well aware of the lack of corporate support for MOHAA. Together we have tried to get information and help with the exploits that exist in AlliedAssault, with no response or action. To clear it all up and give everyone the info. needed, i give you this:
I was able to contact Infinity Ward, and get some responses-
All responses are from Vince Zampalla at Infinity Ward.
My Name is Bruno Gesche and I am going to be Releasing EyeCandy 2.0 / Allied Assault Conversion soon.
One of the Elements that will be changed in this conversion is having a true Full Screen Scope. No one else has this ability at this time to use it. I would like to make a very logical request; the implementation of a scope overlay in any further releases of the MOH series be changed to a different directory etc. I can safely say that thousands behind me would thank you as well if this change could be made or at least be safeguarded.
Please, I am releasing this as part of a conversion not intended to be used on a regular AA or SH Server, or any further releases. It is only a matter of time before someone else figures out #### ## ## ### ########. Regardless of Radiant or a Refined wolf code, implement some security so an individual would be unable to use it on a regular server. Thank You.
Vince Zampalla:
Unfortunately this was not sent to the right party. Infinity Ward has many members from the Allied Assault team, but we are no longer involved in any of the Medal of Honor projects. You should contact someone at EA regarding this subject. Best of luck.
…Why would everyone say that you are doing Call of Duty: -EA -GAmespy -Etc. Would you happen to know who I can contact regarding the next release?
…it makes too much sense that you would be doing the next release, and the talk of a refined Wolf code due to Activision’s recent involvement in your company, that’s why I was almost certain that I had contacted the right party. There has been a great deal of concern on how 2015 and EA made no attempt to support AlliedAssault. Please, I ask you personally and as a gesture of good business if you or anyone from the 20 or so members could help in any way in fixing some exploits and cheats in Allied Assault…
Vince Zampalla:
Infinity Ward is a new company working with Activision on a new series called Call of Duty, which has nothing to do with Medal of Honor or EA.
We are no longer involved with Medal of Honor or EA. Therefore, we are no longer allowed to comment on anything relating to Medal of Honor or EA. I sympathize with your situation, but there is very little I can offer you. I can ask around at EA and see who you can contact with your concerns.
...reminds me of the bs that sony would play with bogus software companies for the playstation platform. To sum it all up EA is responsible for the upcoming expansion and you will receive no support for AlliedAssault, and InfinityWard cannot help with any aspect of AlliedAssault without breaking obligations to the software giant (EA), who could care less if we have problems or concerns. Think of EA as a used car salesman, when the car leaves the lot, it becomes your problem. This year EA should break the 2 billion dollar mark in revenue, sad i know. I'll let ya all know if i get any more info.
|EC| BrunoGesche
...Yes EyeCandy 2.0 will be released soon, and it will include the true full screen scope, for those who would disagree with this action, blame EA for f#$king it all up, not me.