Thread: The Mine
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Default 06-26-2003, 04:22 PM

it works for both, but its better in aa. in sh, not all the background sounds play, so it doesnt sound as much like its being used as in aa.

i get about 30-40fps with everything set to max. most of the walls are patch mesh, so everything behind those gets drawn ingame. but i can play with anything as low as 5fps easily. once its had a full compile, fps might be a bit higher. ill try and work out how to use manvis in it to get fps up more too.

stuff i need to fix tomorrow:
some of the caves are too narrow, and you have to strafe to get thru, and you sometimes just get stuck. im gonna make em less tall aswell, so you need to crouch
in the vent, the coronas are about 1ft away from the lights
theres an hole in the ceiling in the concrete tunnels
i need to make the outdoor hills more rough [1st 3 screens, i had to replace patch meshes with brushes, so the tops are all flat]

if i can get those things fixed by tonight, i might start a full vis compile. it shouldnt take too long with the amount of structural brushes ive just
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