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Default 06-26-2003, 04:42 PM

The problem is that file-sharing isn't seen as something tantamount (in the PUBLICS eye) as stealing a mink coat from Tiffany's. I would buy CD's if I didnd't get alot of it online. I still buy CD's that I know are of good quality (Deftones, Radiohead, Audioslave being recent purchases).

The point I was trying to make, is if you shut down one avenue, that's not a garuntee that folks will say "ah fuck it" and start buying as much as they were downloading. It's not gonna happen. If it DOES happen, then I will be incredibly suprised.

And I will be the first person to say that if someone is downloading music that is copyright protected then they deserve to face the penalties. RIAA has every right to do this. However I question the thought-process in going after 61-year old Marth Howard with 500 songs littered on her hard drive for the world to see.

Add to the fact that you're going to have make sure that the content downloaded DOES violate copyright issues, and the RIAA has an uphill battle, not the consumer.
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