Originally Posted by Tripper
Don't have a job.
Last job I had was a Video Store Clerk.....
haha thats what i do. pure shite!
also do security stuff for rock festivals, punch crowd members back into the crowd, get spat on by singers while they sing, become a target for bottle throwers inbetween acts, feel like a german soldier during ww2 giving pathetic water rations to the desperate crowd members in the front row trying not to die of heat exhaustion, get to refuse people back stage even if they have a back stage pass, get to frisk sexee laydees (not really supossed to though) have to fight of hoards of screaming teenage girls......who are sadly not after me, but the shitty boybands theyve come to see. im telling you, theyre more aggressive and leathal than any metal fans.
sadly its only ever a part time job. i would love to do that full time. but i need to find 1 full time job and two part time jobs is just too much hassle.