Thread: summer fun
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Default 06-27-2003, 04:58 AM

Originally Posted by Germ
I only use it to blow up wooden horses and chairs
When I were a wee lad, me and a friend used to go to an open-cast mine prepared with taped together deodrant cans (prolly bout 10-20 at a time) and fling them at the workers, in the meantime we would go to where they kept the trucks were kept, open em up, steal the keys and pr0n mags and run home like the little scally bastards we were, ah the ol' days. Who needs girls when ya can adventure to taste the bounty of proper pr0n, ain't that right strik0r

me? this summer? well I'm already on a holiday which is nearly over but when I get back I'll have to get a... *splutter-acka kacka-JOB-erkkkoo ahoo cougha cough*

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau