06-27-2003, 10:06 AM
[quote:8c942]I do have another question. I don't know if I'm right (probably not) but wouldn't Kazaa or the RIAA be violating the "right to privacy" in taking I.P addresses off of the Internet? Couldn't someone file suit with the Internet companies who guarentee your privacy is kept secret?[/quote:8c942]
They'll argue that when youre aware of a crime being committed that you have an obligation to report it. Having said that, I cant see many of the bigger ISP's being bullied into releasing names, and this shit'll get tied up in the courts. It will get to the Supreme Court.
And they wont be able to go after the P2P's (if Kazzaa wins the appeal; theyve already won in being told that they aren't responsible for how users use their programs), so yes the P2P's will continue to grow and become available for those folks who file share that way.