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1st Lieutenant
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Default 06-27-2003, 08:12 PM

Quick note about teh fella in the picture.
He's a part of the Swedish force SSG:

"The SSG is a small, handpicked force (formed in the early1990s) organized to protect important buildings and act as body guards to the Supreme Commander and other important officers. The all-officer force is highly educated and trained in parachuting, diving, amphibious operations, advanced marksmanship, and bodyguard service. They can be transported anywhere within Sweden to accomplish their mission and, if necessary, can rescue Swedish personnel caught behind enemy lines."

Quoted from

The gun is probably and AK-5 (Automatkarbin 5) with expanded drum-mag., infrared scope, the 40 mm M203 grenadelauncher and standard 250 or 400m scope. It weighs 4.5 kg without the extra equipment, and uses the 5.56 Nato amunition. Effective range: around 400 meters.