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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: University Park, PA
Default 06-28-2003, 01:39 AM

Yeah, my name is Gary Coleman. Alot of people think that all the people that choose some sort of Celebrity is a big fag. I'm the exception. It was three summers ago when i woke up at 10:20 and turned on TNN on the tv. I saw that "Diff'rent Strokes" was on and never actually "saw'' the show. So i stayed and watched the show. I really liked it...alot. I saw Todd Bridges, GARY COLEMAN, and that other bitch girl that died from an overdose of drugs...her name slips my mind at the moment. Well anyway, i liked Gary Coleman and stuff and used it a couple of times to play mohaa. When i got in rooms i always said, "Whatchu talkin bout willis?!" and everyone would laugh. One can say "it broke the ice" and gave us something to be on friendly terms with. So, i just kept the name and it stuck ever since.

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