06-28-2003, 06:16 AM
My dream is to move to some tiny (20 or less people) hole in the wall town with some warm sunny rolling hills, with a view of the mountains. One of those old towns that still has a "main street" less than a block long with only ma and pa shops. Living in an old two story house with Z4 in the drive way, along with several dirt bikes. Having nothing to do all day, but go outside and fly a kite in the afternoon breeze. On occasions filling a ruck sack with MRE's, a rifle, and survival gear and dirt biking to the base of a mountain, and dissapearing until i feel like going home. Setting up a firing range on my large plot of rolling hills and spending time target shooting, with my numerous weapons. Or simply sitting on my porch watching the breeze roll along the hills, as the clouds slip by. All this could only me made better by having that special someone along side. No kids though.