06-28-2003, 10:00 PM
why are some people saying "i want a car" "i want an island" what iw ant is 1 billion dollers which would let me buy as many cars as i wanted & i could buy a fucking island to park them on if i pleased. but if it had to be realalistic. id like to live even more in the boonies than i do now, have it so its always a nice temp, 23 & sunny with a slight cool breeze, not to hot & not to cool. i could go outside, do what i pleased & not have neibors to watch me like my fucking vulture neibors next door. i cant even go outside now without her coming out on her pourch & watching me, thank god theirs at least 50m between ours & their house. anyways just a quiet time with lots of land, no animals though, just farm land. *sigh* dream on. oh one more! to find a god damn moh server that thei server admin isent a compleat & udder prick! biggrin: