Thread: Landmines?
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Default 06-29-2003, 05:10 AM

Totally off topic, but my uncle was in Vietnam and he told me a funny story.

He was staioned at a firebase somewhere over there. anyways, these guys had to take the 50 gallon drums of shit from the outhouses and haul them to the dump to be buried. He said they got lazy and just hauled them to the edge of the clearing where they proceeded to blow up the shit cans with explosives. The shit apparently blew all over the surrounding jungle canopy and when the wind blew the whole base reeked of shit.

The solution to get rid of the smell? They called in a napalm strike to fry the trees of all the human waste that was covering them.

Needless to say, the guys that created that mess lost some stripes as punishment.

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