Thread: i'm gone too
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Default 06-29-2003, 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by snipedurazz

Here are the real reasons the forums went downhill :

1. Admin jumped ship
2. Most of the mods are assholes
3. Nothing else to talk about
4. Nothing much else to mod/create
5. The high number of stupid questions

This is reality. Time to face it.

I agree with you 100% This forum and website used to be a really nice and kewl place to come to. Had new mods and maps to d/l every other day, and the andmins and mods were kewl and awesome people. But to be honest, I dont feel any of the new mods have done ANYTHING different, infact I think you have made it worse. Reasons why I say this, is because seriously people are terrified to ask questions and learn. Innoxx you treat people with so much disgust that it makes my stomach hurt. Seriously bud, you need to learn to deal with people w/o scaring them. Look, not to say it is ALL because of you, most of the best Modders/Mappers we have LEFT when you got here.....I am not saying it is you alone but the mods need to think of a diff plan, your doing it all wrong. And you dont answer e-mails when I send them. So rethink your plan and then you will see a happier difference.

ANd dont get mad at me, I have followed every rule at the top of the MMS forum.

We have tried the nice and friendly approach, it failed, now you get the big scary mod. I'm sorry to say this but you people have brought it on yourself. The people at the top thought it would be a good idea to appoint Guarnere mod, we thought it would help the community blossom. It didn't. This place is a shithole, like I said. I'm just trying to create a little order. Before I got here every single thread was either spam or flaming. My task was simple, scare and flame the living shit out of the n00bs and flamers. So far it has been working. If people would just learn to respect other people's threads and the authority, I wouldn't have been mod in the first place.