Thread: i'm gone too
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Default 06-29-2003, 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by snipedurazz
Bud you see thats the kind of attitude I am talking about. Whats up with the "Now, I know you people may not like it, but I am a moderator. Deal with it."???????? Dude comeon, if you think that it is not possible to be loved and still have the power you need to run the forums then you are DEAD wrong. If you dont believe that it is possible, take a look at the original admin and mods, They were so kewl AND they ran the place. Now all you need to do is keep the power you have, just be kind, and forgiving. You are too hard and it is driving ppl away and actually CAUSING flame wars. The only thing worse that someone with power over you, is someone with power over you AND is mean.

So please bro this needs to be your wakeup call!

..and where are they now?

Rudedog, Bazooka Joe, Zoner have had it up to here with the n00bs. Bj left, Guarnere left, Rude can't even bear to look at these forums anymore and I'm always hearing Zoner saying he's almost had it with this place. All the cool mods are gone (or almost gone) because you people have abused their hospitality. If you had treated them better maybe they would've had more to teach you people. SO now, you have mister prick Inny as mod. I gota whip you people into the right state of mind.

Like I have said a hundred times before, if you people acted more like a welcome community instead of a bunch of heroin addicts without any heroin, they'd still be here.

You have brought this on yourselves.