Thread: Crossroads
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Default Crossroads - 06-29-2003, 04:30 PM

I have seen all the threads that have been made. I have read all the comments that have been posted in those threads. I have watched as has become a site that is now at the bottom of the barrel.

I remember when this site just got up and running. People were sending in all of their mods, in hopes of getting a highlighted spot on the main page. I know this because I am one of those people. Mods were updated bi-daily, and the forums were full of interesting information and important questions. But, as has been said before. All good things must come to an end.

The simple fact is. Everyone is tired of supporting a game with no official support. While I can understand this, you shouldn't just get up and walk away from this site. But, alot of the skilled members of this community have. I can understand where they are coming from, with all of the repetitive questions and the pointless flaming. Who would want to visit a place like this?

I personally, am sentimental. MOH might have no support, but I have stayed with it because it is one of the best first person shooters of all time. This site is something that I am sentimental about as well. I learned alot of stuff here, and I enjoyed sharing my creations with others. Some of this might sound cheesy, but hey, at least you know how I feel.

Well, to end this thread, I'll state this.

Instead of flaming and locking. Instead of bashing and accusing. Try being compassionate and understanding to those who really don't know what is going on or do not know how to do something. Remember the early days of Remember all those questions we asked. Remember how stupid we looked back then, and how those same kinds of people are posting here now. Show them the support that you would like to have gotten back in the early days. Maybe this site can turn around. Maybe not. But we all need to be understanding of each other and help each other out. We are all here for a reason. We are here because we enjoy this great game and we enjoy sharing our experiences with others who the play the game alongside us.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this thread. I appreciate it. Maybe you will think differently about things now. I know I have.
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