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MamoVaka is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 08:45 AM

Ok, contrary to what people tell you DO NOT EXPECT to play this game max detail and stay above 40 fps on any current hardware.

I have a amd xp1900+ 512 ddr ram geforce 3 ti500.

I also tested it on a p4 2000 512 ram and geforce 3 ti500.

These are two monster machines and on BOTH in multiplayer with max details the frames went as low as 19.. even less for instances on omaha and bridge maps. As well as the single player maps, the frames take definite hits in this game.

I dont know what people who say "smooth as silk" mean they must not be payign attention to the fps because I am telling you this game beats the crap out of pc's end of story..

to keep high fps you will have to lower details, but you should be able to enjoy yourself..

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