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Default 06-30-2003, 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by Innoxx
....and people wonder why I'm so fucking bitter.
I never noticed oOo:

But seriously

(1) The main problem with these forums is the complete lack of respect that most people have for other people. Whether you are a n00b or an experienced forum member you need to show respect to people just because they are human.

(2) Quite frankly I consider Innoxx to be bl**dy lientient with a lot of people around here. Its not really his fault that these forums are going to the dogs. A stronger Admin might have banned a load of people from here a long time ago. Some of the "higher" posters have egos the size of small planets and act like assholes. Should Innoxx use slightly less colourful language - maybe, but then being polite isn't going to get him anywhere anymore.

(3) People need to realise that a low post count doesn't equal a n00b. I think I've been kicking around for well over a year and a half but i have less than 800 posts - does that make me a n00b ???

(4) If you don't like a map / mod / skin - don't say anything - whats the point of flaming something when it serves no real purpose and makes you look like an a$$hole.

(5) If a n00b posts here then they are obviously looking for help - If you know the answer, and they have asked politely, then tell them politely.

(6)If someone flames you - ignore them - or just be really really polite to them - they'll get so pissed that eventually they will give up. It can be hard but just keep thinking that by not flaming back you are the better human being. They will be the one that people look down on not you.....

These forums are pretty much a running joke with the rest of the MoHAA community and even outside of it too. Its a damn shame because at one point they were the best place to hang out. I personally only come here to "rescue" people who need mapping help.......