06-30-2003, 07:57 AM
I have a fairly broad London accent (lived most of my life there). Non-Londoners would call it cockney, but to most East-Londoners my accent is probably nothing like cockney.
Seeing as I now live in Nottingham (East-Midlands) I would imagine my accent will slightly change. Although I don't say "Ey op, me dook" ("Hello, my duck" - quirky Midlands thing) yet.
I spent a lot of time a few years ago in chat rooms and subsequently calling some American and Canadian women (don't ask) - Most said they loved my accent but that's not surprising, because it's different.
The rest just couldn't understand me at all, hehe.
My favourite accent would have to be a "Sean Connery" Scottish accent. There are some broader Celtic accents that I can't stand, but most of them are very easy on the ear - Except Welsh - I hate that dialect.