Thread: Crossroads
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Kaiser [K1] is Offline
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Default 06-30-2003, 08:56 AM

MOHAA is still going strong.

Like all these boring management meetings we have progressed.

Mods are really cool some of the skins and weapons that have been produced would lead EA to hang their heads in shame.

The total absence of a the pack to properly mod the whole game (SKR) or what ever it was called arrived too late and by that time all the really skilled modders had moved on (probably to battelfiled, anyone seen DC for BF1942).

I'm sure had the had the tools to properly mod this game then spearhead would not have been launched and in it's place we would have seen a much better (shareware) version of mohaa.

At the moment I play in 2 leagues. Due to total lack of EA anti-cheat tools we are very reluctant to use modded files in the league games, because as soon as we say a blood patch is allowed for use it will appear on the cheat sites with every cheat file inside it.

This is sad but true.

MOHAA leagues are going strong in Europe pity this site has went downhill but there is nothing new to say.

I'm still learning new tricks even after 1 year and enjoy hitting the servers for some fun and tournaments.

Cya around

JAS AKA Kaiser [K1]
...'til the end!!!
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