06-30-2003, 12:27 PM
Chicken if u read my forum you know by now I am gone on vacation and I will be back in a month I already read this type of thread and I have read it from the people that have gotten banned it is sad thought. All the people that have gotten banned are the nicest and coolest people ever. As I leave this acount to a friend for a month I would like to say: this forum is a nazi community, in away we all have the one ruler and we all have the people that tell us what to do, the generals the moderators. We have the people that break from our rules and we ban them because the rulers are always right, just like the nazi's killed the jews and etc. So you think you deserve respect but your wrong you don't because your the dictators your the moderators and you the only ones that are right but your only right to each other. See that newb, noob, or whatever he is could be ten times brighter ten times better then you but see he has no chance to prove him self because he is BANNED, killed, gone. You might not respect my words you might not like them, but see I an an observer I see things and so I believe it is time to speak when the rest have spoken. See unlike most of you when I see that german nazi in the game I don't aim for his head with my sniper I aim where his head will be in 1 seconed and I shoot. I am sorry again if you do not understand or agree but right now I have to rush away to my vacation. ByE-bYE