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cybertoolzz is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-22-2002, 09:21 AM

overall - i tend to AGREE w/ Cerberus,

CS still beats this game for the BEST mp experience - but remember Cerberus - this is just the START for mohaa - u will recall the way HL/CS looked when it first came out - what? 3 YEARS ago now??

mohaa mp will be very popular and grow - there WILL be mods and it will improve.

i stand with Cerberus - with a few exceptions;

the SOUNDS are simply the BEST i have ever heard - weapons & ordinance A+ - eveything sounds fantastic - the voice work is perfect.

AI = B- DAMN hard - very good;

models = D+ they suck. the player models and weapons need SERIOUS help;

maps = C+ very authentic scenes - very realistic looking - good architecture - but high r_speeds in some maps (those with tress notably) cause LOTS of system burden and bring even a powerful sys to a slow down;

STILL - this game grabbed me wouldn't let go until the very end - I LOVE IT!
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