Of course the games not realistic. In world war 2, the average soldier was lucky to get 4 or 5 kills throughout the entire war, much less 95 kills in 1 hour. How exciting a game would that be? spend hours searching, followed by fire a couple of shots hide again, fire a couple of more, hide again, and pray that your couple of shots manages to hit somebody. The game has to have a certain level of arcade style shoot m up to make it fun to play.
And by the way, their were several german sniper regiments manning the beaches in Normandy, so that aspect, like it or not, is historically accurate at least.
And no I'm not flaming anybody, just pointing some things out.
I know nothing of MP yet. We have an RTCW server set up at work and play that at lunch and after work, maybe we'll set up a MOHAA to see how it flies
Remember Dieppe