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Default 01-23-2002, 08:54 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by quiet:
When a full blown realism mod comes out for MOH:AA then we can compare it to CS, otherwise you'd have to compare MOH:AA to the non-modded version of some other game.


fair enuff quiet,

compare mohaa to HL then - being as the two are both basically fps shooters - HL rocked the gaming world and everygame since HL, incl mohaa, has tried to emulate HL in many respects. but the field of fps shooters got very crowded after HL - SOF, RTCW, OPFOR, VENOM (outbreak), MAX PAYNE, and a few others - each one made a brief splash but none had any staying power compared to HL.
mods are the reason HL has 'legs' and mods are keeping HL alive now.

HL is TRULY a revolutionary game - will the same be said of mohaa?

still, my experince playing as the legendary Gordon Freeman will last far outlast my remberance of Lt. Powell.

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