Skin Wars Round One : -
07-01-2003, 12:51 PM
Ok guys this is the officialy skins wars thread
Rules (basic design war rules just added a few)
1) The person who makes the skin wars decides when the deadline is and how long you have to vote.
2) The first piece of work you enter is the one that will be used in the voting thread, so choose wisely.
3) The maximum days the contest will run is a week.
4) The maximum days the voting poll will last is also a week.
5)Do not rip someone elses skin (ie.if someone has had that skin before dont take credit for it , dont think we wont catch you)
ok thats the rules,
this is the first skin for the contest
the skin is a 5th Ranger
if the skin is too hard to make i will choose another model
The Date is July 1st You have until July 8th