01-22-2002, 05:20 AM
P3 800
mem 768
Gforce 2 Ultra
Sound Blaster Live
GRAPHICS (at 1024 16bit no shawdows, tex compress on): Ok I play Wolfie, Half Life, Flight sims, etc. so this is based on those type of games. The graphics are not quite as good as Wolfie but as good as Half life. Great color, nice detail, just a little crude.
GAME PLAY: The game is fun but not realistic. If you loved half life you will love this game. Sometimes it seems like a shooting gallery, they just keep poppin up and you just keep shootin them. Like Half Life you got your health pickups and such.
SPEED: Game is a bit slugish. I thought it would be smooth like Half life and Max and Wolfie but at times it chugs. Why, why would it be different if it used the same engine? Admit that there is a lot going on when it chugs.
AI: Cool, very cool but repetitive at times. They really work at trying to get you. It seems to sufer the same fate as most newer FPS in that the AI can hit you the first shot from very, very far away. I think once an AI threw back my grenade.
SOUND: Great. With subwoofer and surround it wails. Guns sound very cool and explosions can make you reach for the volume knob. I can't vouch for authenticity but the tommy gun sounds like Elliot Ness havin fun, Yeah!
CONCLUSION: I would buy it. Fun game. Not real, if you want real play Ghost Recon (that game makes me jump and squirm). But a great next game after Wolfie.