07-02-2003, 12:04 AM
2. Harsher punishment for spam, flaming, racism and general breech of rules.
STFU Innoxx you fucking Jew commie bastard. You like to suck dick and are bad at modding. oOo: cry: biggrin: fire1: angel: hake: ed: evil: zooka: bigzooka: mwah:
lol, jk Innoxx. I just had to do it.
But Badscript is never gonna come back. And EA is never gonna give support to us. Thats why I quit a lonnnnnng time ago, because i knew it was hopeless that EA would come save the day by releasing a patch that adds new fun maps, fixs lag and FPSD problems, and fixes every bug known to man without coming out with new ones. But not one of those things will come true, unless ofc ourse you give them mo monah