07-02-2003, 03:30 AM
To many to list.
1. Free climbing a 100ft rock face
2. Dirt biking and going 45 off a jump i wasnt supposed to jump... There was a fence awaiting me upon my landing.
3. 40mph dirt biking in the back woods on trails no wider than the bike.
4. 135 mph top speed run in car. (Mid day, open free way in the middle of no where, 100% straight, no other cars on the road for miles, for all you safty nuts)
5. 500 ft repel off cliff
6. Firing M-203 (40mm grenade launcher)
7. Firing 240b (7.62 machine gun)
8. Firing M-249 (5.56 machine gun)
9. Squad tactics training, live fire.
10. Live fire night crawl.... M-60's (7.62 MG) firing over your head on a 300m crawl, explosions from 1/4 sticks of dynomite for simulated arty, barb wire hazards, pitch black.
11. Night time flare training. It had a erie sense to it.. walking out in a field with your platoon, then hearing the flare go flying up, and diving to the ground. I found a nice rain rut so i acctually was under ground... it was crazy fun.
There are more dirt biking, paintball, army, rock climbing stories but like i said... To many to list.