01-22-2002, 08:45 AM
you asked for it - so here it is
this is the ENTIRE list - rather lengthy but u can copy it out to a text file.
i know there is a command switch to set memory alloc in mohaa - in CS it is '-heapsize nnnnnn' where n = bytes (not mb).
there must be one for mohaaa but i have yet to figured it out.
let's get to work on figuring out what all these cmds mean!
this was extracted from within the mohaa console with the command 'cvarlist > cvarlist_filename.txt'
'cvarlist' lists ALL the cmds and the '>' pipes them to a text file.
g_lastsave ""
subAlpha "0.5"
snd_maxdelay "12"
snd_mindelay "2"
snd_chance "1"
snd_volume "1"
snd_mindist "160"
snd_reverblevel "0.5"
snd_reverbtype "0"
snd_yaw "0"
snd_height "16"
snd_length "16"
snd_width "16"
cg_te_alpha "1"
cg_te_color_g "1"
cg_te_color_r "1"
cg_te_color_b "1"
cg_te_filename "dump/testemitter.txt"
cam_angles_yaw "0"
cam_angles_pitch "0"
cam_angles_roll "0"
viewmodelactionweight "0"
viewmodelnormaltime "0"
viewmodelanimnum2 "0"
viewmodelblend "0"
viewmodelanimslot "0"
viewmodelsyncrate "0"
subteam3 "0"
subtitle3 ""
subteam2 "0"
subtitle2 ""
subteam1 "0"
subtitle1 ""
subteam0 "0"
subtitle0 ""
cg_hud "1"
dlg_badsave "This save game is invalid"
A ui_startmap ""
cl_movieaudio "1"
A cl_greenfps "0"
ui_failed "0"
ui_success "0"
ui_gotmedal "0"
ui_gmboxspam "1"
ui_NumShotsFired "0"
ui_NumHits "0"
ui_NumComplete "0"
ui_NumObjectives "0"
ui_Accuracy "0"
ui_PreferredWeapon "none"
ui_NumHitsTaken "0"
ui_NumObjectsDestroyed "0"
ui_NumEnemysKilled "0"
ui_HeadShots "0"
ui_TorsoShots "0"
ui_LeftLegShots "0"
ui_RightLegShots "0"
ui_LeftArmShots "0"
ui_RightArmShots "0"
ui_GroinShots "0"
ui_GunneryEvaluation "0"
ui_health_end "0"
ui_health_start "0"
ui_drawcoords "0"
ui_inventoryfile "global/inventory.txt"
ui_newvidmode "6"
ui_compass "1"
ui_debugload "0"
soundoverlay "0"
A ui_itemsbar "0"
A ui_weaponsbartime "2500"
A ui_consoleposition ""
A ui_gmbox "1"
A ui_minicon "0"
A s_obstruction_cal_time "500"
s_show_sounds "0"
s_show_num_active_sounds "0"
s_show_cpu "0"
s_initsound "1"
A s_dialogscale "1"
C s_testsound "0"
C s_show "0"
A s_mixPreStep "0.05"
AL s_loadas8bit "0"
A s_separation "0.5"
A s_ambientvolume "1.00"
L net_port "12203"
L net_ip "localhost"
AL net_socksPassword ""
AL net_socksUsername ""
AL net_socksPort "1080"
AL net_socksServer ""
AL net_socksEnabled "0"
AL net_noipx "1"
AL net_noudp "0"
C graphshift "0"
C graphscale "1"
C graphheight "32"
C debuggraph "0"
C timegraph "0"
A ff_disabled ""
ff_developer "0"
ff_ensureShake "1"
A ff_defaultTension "1"
A use_ff "1"
dcl_texturescale "32"
dcl_maxoffset "10"
dcl_minsegment "24"
dcl_maxsegment "512"
dcl_pathmode "0"
dcl_dostring "apply to all"
dcl_dobmodels "1"
dcl_doterrain "1"
dcl_doworld "1"
dcl_dolighting "1"
dcl_alpha "1"
dcl_b "1"
dcl_g "1"
dcl_r "1"
dcl_rotation "0"
dcl_widthscale "1"
dcl_heightscale "1"
dcl_radius "16"
dcl_shader "blastmark"
dcl_shiftstep "4"
dcl_autogetinfo "1"
dcl_showcurrent "1"
L dcl_editmode "0"
r_gfxinfo "
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multitexture
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_texture_env_add
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_transpose_matrix
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_point_parameters
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_secondary_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_separate_specular_color
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_add
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_texture_object
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_array
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_EXT_vertex_weighting
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_KTX_buffer_region
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_blend_square
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_fog_distance
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texgen_reflection
GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_NV_texture_env_combine4
PIXELFORMAT: color(16-bits) Z(16-bit) stencil(0-bits)
MODE: 6, 1024 x 768 fullscreen hz:N/A
GAMMA: hardware w/ 0 overbright bits
CPU: x86 (P5/Pentium2, MMX)
rendering primitives: single glDrawElements
texturemode: gl_linear_mipmap_nearest
picmip: 2
texture bits: 16
multitexture: enabled
compiled vertex arrays: enabled
texenv add: enabled
compressed textures: disabled
A vid_ypos "22"
A vid_xpos "3"
L r_maskMinidriver "0"
L r_allowSoftwareGL "0"
L r_loadftx "0"
L r_loadjpg "1"
A ter_fastMarks "1"
A ter_minMarkRadius "8"
r_precacheimages "0"
r_static_shadermultiplier3 "1"
r_static_shadermultiplier2 "1"
r_static_shadermultiplier1 "1"
r_static_shadermultiplier0 "1"
r_static_shaderdata3 "0"
r_static_shaderdata2 "0"
r_static_shaderdata1 "0"
r_static_shaderdata0 "0"
A r_sse "0"
r_showportal "0"
A vss_smoothsmokelight "1"
A r_debuglines_depthmask "0"
R r_useglfog "1"
A r_lightcoronasize ".1"
C r_farplane_nofog "0"
C r_farplane_nocull "0"
C r_farplane_color ".5 .5 .5"
C r_farplane "0"
r_skyportal_origin "0 0 0"
r_skyportal "0"
r_light_showgrid "0"
A r_light_nolight "0"
A r_light_int_scale "0.05"
r_light_sun_line "0"
r_light_lines "0"
A r_stipplelines "1"
r_maxtermarks "1024"
r_maxpolyverts "16384"
r_maxpolys "4096"
A r_entlight_maxcalc "2"
A r_entlight_cubefraction "0.5"
A r_entlight_cubelevel "0"
A r_entlight_errbound "6"
C r_entlight_scale "1.3"
C r_entlightmap "0"
C r_noportals "0"
C r_lockpvs "0"
C r_drawBuffer "GL_BACK"
C r_offsetunits "-2"
C r_offsetfactor "-1"
C r_clear "0"
C r_showstaticbboxes "0"
C r_showhbox "0"
C r_shownormals "0"
C r_showsky "0"
C r_showtris "0"
C r_nobind "0"
C r_debugSurface "0"
C r_logFile "0"
C r_verbose "0"
C r_speeds "0"
C r_showcluster "0"
C r_novis "0"
C r_showcull "0"
C r_nocull "0"
C r_ignore "1"
C r_staticlod "1"
C r_drawspherelights "1"
C r_drawsprites "1"
C r_drawterrain "1"
C r_drawbrushmodels "1"
C r_drawbrushes "1"
C r_drawstaticmodelpoly "1"
C r_drawstaticmodels "1"
C r_drawentitypoly "1"
C r_drawentities "1"
C r_norefresh "0"
C r_measureOverdraw "0"
C r_skipBackEnd "0"
C r_showSmp "0"
C r_flareFade "7"
C r_flareSize "40"
C r_portalOnly "0"
C r_lightmap "0"
C r_drawworld "1"
C r_nocurves "0"
r_printShaders "0"
C r_debugSort "0"
lod_tool "0"
lod_position "0 0 0"
lod_save "0"
lod_tris ""
lod_metric "0.0"
lod_tikiname ""
lod_meshname ""
lod_mesh "0"
lod_zee_val "0"
lod_pitch_val "0"
lod_curve_4_slider "0"
lod_curve_3_slider "0"
lod_curve_2_slider "0"
lod_curve_1_slider "0"
lod_curve_0_slider "0"
lod_curve_4_val "0"
lod_curve_3_val "0"
lod_curve_2_val "0"
lod_curve_1_val "0"
lod_curve_0_val "0"
lod_edit_4 "0"
lod_edit_3 "0"
lod_edit_2 "0"
lod_edit_1 "0"
lod_edit_0 "0"
lod_LOD_slider "0.5"
lod_maxLOD "0.3"
lod_minLOD "1.0"
lod_LOD "0"
r_uselod "1"
r_showstaticlod "0"
r_showlod "0"
r_showImages "0"
C r_directedScale "1"
C r_ambientScale "0.5"
A r_primitives "0"
A r_facePlaneCull "1"
A r_swapInterval "0"
A r_finish "0"
A r_dlightBacks "1"
A r_drawSun "0"
r_fastsky "0"
A r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
C r_znear "3"
A r_flares "0"
A C r_lodCurveError "225"
r_lerpmodels "1"
LC r_singleShader "0"
L g_numdebuglines "4096"
L r_intensity "1"
L r_mapOverBrightBits "1"
LC r_fullbright "0"
L r_displayRefresh "0"
AL r_ignoreFastPath "0"
AL r_smp "0"
AL r_vertexLight "0"
AL r_customaspect "1"
AL r_customheight "1024"
AL r_customwidth "1600"
AL r_fullscreen "1"
AL r_ignorehwgamma "0"
AL r_overBrightBits "0"
AL r_depthbits "0"
AL r_stencilbits "8"
AL r_stereo "0"
AL r_textureDetails "1"
L r_colorMipLevels "0"
AL r_roundImagesDown "1"
A r_reset_tc_array "1"
A r_geForce3WorkAround "1"
AL r_forceClampToEdge "0"
AL r_ext_aniso_filter "0"
AL r_ext_texture_env_combine "0"
AL r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
AL r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
R r_ext_multitexture "1"
AL r_ext_gamma_control "1"
AL r_allowExtensions "1"
AL r_glDriver "opengl32"
AL s_reverb "0"
U A dm_playermodel "american_army"
U password ""
U A snaps "20"
m_invert_pitch "0"
A cl_maxPing "800"
A cg_autoswitch "1"
cg_gametype "0"
cl_langamerefreshstatus "Ready"
R cl_motdString ""
A m_side "0.25"
A m_up "0"
A m_forward "0.25"
A m_yaw "0.022"
A m_pitch "0.022"
A cl_allowDownload "1"
cl_showmouserate "0"
A cl_mouseAccel "0"
A freelook "1"
A cl_run "1"
A cl_packetdup "1"
A cl_maxpackets "30"
cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"
A cl_pitchspeed "70"
A cl_yawspeed "140"
rconAddress ""
cl_forceavidemo "0"
cl_avidemo "0"
activeAction ""
cl_freezeDemo "0"
cl_showTimeDelta "0"
cl_showSend "0"
cl_shownet "0"
cl_timeNudge "0"
cl_connect_timeout "15"
cl_timeout "60"
A cl_cdkey "123456789"
cl_motd "0"
cl_eventstats "0"
cl_timeevents "0"
cl_eventlimit "500"
cl_showevents "0"
cl_debugMove "0"
cl_nodelta "0"
sv_deeptracedebug "0"
sv_drawentities "1"
R sv_mapChecksum ""
sv_killserver "0"
sv_padPackets "0"
sv_showloss "0"
sv_reconnectlimit "3"
A sv_master5 ""
A sv_master4 ""
A sv_master3 ""
A sv_master2 ""
sv_master1 "mohmaster.2015.com"
S sv_allowDownload "1"
nextmap ""
sv_zombietime "2"
sv_timeout "120"
S sv_fps "20"
sv_privatePassword ""
rconPassword ""
R sv_paks ""
sv_pure "0"
R sv_serverid "0"
S L g_gametypestring "Free-For-All"
S L g_gametype "0"
S A sv_maplist ""
S A sv_floodProtect "1"
S A sv_maxPing "0"
S A sv_minPing "0"
S A sv_maxRate "0"
S L sv_maxclients "1"
S A sv_hostname "Nameless Battle"
S sv_privateClients "0"
S R mapname "nomap"
S R protocol "6"
S sv_keywords ""
S timelimit "0"
S fraglimit "0"
S dmflags "0"
skill "0"
g_maxplayerhealth "1500"
net_multiLANpackets "2"
I net_qport "33745"
showdrop "0"
showpackets "0"
A in_disablealttab "0"
A joy_threshold "0.15"
in_debugjoystick "0"
A in_joyBallScale "0.02"
A in_joystick "0"
AL in_mouse "1"
A in_mididevice "0"
A in_midichannel "1"
A in_midi "0"
username "RUFFIO"
sys_cpuid "34"
sys_cpustring "x86 (P5/Pentium2, MMX)"
R win_wndproc "4740064"
R win_hinstance "4194304"
arch "win98"
arch_minor_version "90"
arch_major_version "4"
R shortversion "1.00"
S R version "Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.00 win-x86 Dec 6 2001"
com_buildScript "0"
R cl_running "1"
R sv_running "0"
L dedicated "0"
C timedemo "0"
com_speeds "0"
C viewlog "1"
C com_dropsim "0"
C com_showtrace "0"
C fixedtime "0"
C timescale "1"
A fps "0"
A autopaused "1"
R paused "0"
deathmatch "0"
A com_maxfps "85"
convertAnim "0"
showLoad "1"
low_anim_memory "0"
dumploadedanims "0"
pagememory "0"
ui_legalscreen_stay "3"
ui_legalscreen_fadeout ".5"
ui_legalscreen_fadein ".5"
ui_titlescreen_stay "3"
ui_titlescreen_fadeout ".5"
ui_titlescreen_fadein ".5"
ui_skip_legalscreen "0"
ui_skip_titlescreen "0"
ui_skip_eamovie "0"
cl_playintro "0"
A cg_forceModel "1"
U A name "[GsW]muRder_Rate"
A r_textureMode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"
A r_lastValidRenderer "RIVA TNT2/AGP"
AL s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
A sensitivity "10.539095"
A m_filter "1"
A s_speaker_type "2"
A r_gamma "1.289474"
A s_volume "1.000000"
A s_musicvolume "0.000000"
A ui_weaponsbar "0"
U A rate "25000"
U A dm_playergermanmodel "german_panzer_shutze"
config "unnamedsoldier.cfg"
AL r_ext_compressed_textures "0"
A r_drawstaticdecals "0"
A g_ddayshingleguys "0"
A g_ddayfog "2"
A g_ddayfodderguys "0"
AL r_texturebits "16"
AL r_colorbits "16"
AL r_picmip "2"
AL r_mode "6"
A cg_marks_add "0"
AL s_khz "11"
A cg_shadows "0"
A cg_rain "1"
A ter_maxtris "16384"
A ter_maxlod "3"
A ter_error "10"
A vss_maxcount "22"
A cg_effectdetail "0.2"
A r_lodviewmodelcap "0.25"
A r_lodcap "0.25"
A r_lodscale "0.25"
AL r_subdivisions "20"
A r_fastentlight "1"
AL r_fastdlights "1"
A cg_drawviewmodel "2"
ui_medalsign ""
ui_signshader ""
A g_subtitle "0"
A g_skill "1"
A detail "1"
A ui_hostname "Nameless Battle"
A ui_maplist_obj "obj/obj_team1 obj/obj_team2 obj/obj_team3 obj/obj_team4"
A ui_maplist_round "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_maplist_team "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_maplist_ffa "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm6 dm/mohdm7"
A ui_inactivekick "900"
A ui_inactivespectate "60"
A ui_connectip ""
A ui_teamdamage "0"
A ui_timelimit "0"
A ui_fraglimit "0"
A ui_gamespy "0"
A ui_maxclients "32"
ui_gametypestring ""
ui_gametype ""
ui_dmmap ""
A ui_voodoo "0"
A cl_ctrlbindings "0"
A cl_altbindings "0"
A ui_crosshair "1"
A viewsize "100"
I journal "0"
fs_filedir "C:Program FilesMOHAAmain\maps"
mapdir ""
logfile "0"
I fs_restrict ""
S I fs_game ""
I fs_basepath "C:Program FilesMOHAA"
I fs_cdpath ""
I fs_copyfiles "0"
fs_debug "0"
A developer "1"
A ui_console "1"
L cheats "1"
512 total cvars
512 cvar indexes