07-03-2003, 07:57 AM
Yeah, too bad decent hard-working people get caught in the middle of it. Some cop died a few months back around here when a street racer nailed his parked car. The fucking potzer didn't even get jail time.
It's those fucknig Fast and The Furious movies....
"oh Paul fucking Walker has a japanese car that looks like a bath toy and it goes real fast with NOS and Ja Rule is in it, omfg! I think I'll get my yuppie cocksucking pansy parents to buy me the fastest car at the fucking toyota dealership so that I can be like Vin Diesel! and race people for money and shit! Nevermind the fact that I've never taken any formal driving classes nor do I have an IQ higher than 40! because I am fatass potzer fanboy fucking prat cocksmith chuffcake that doesn't know jack shit!"
Anywho, I don't like ricers all that much....