01-23-2002, 09:03 AM
My opinion of CPR is that it's not as fun as non-CPR.
I didn't say CPR wasn't realistic. I wouldn't know, I don't study these things.
I use the smg mostly, so CPR actually benefits me. But I still don't get the same satisfaction of winning a team game without aid of a mod.
After playing both I'd have to say I enjoy playing non-CPR servers more. I don't flat out hate CPR, I just feel it's not as fun.
If it truly is a realism mod, though, why have they reduced the amount of grenades to 3? It's been well stated that standard issue was higher than 3.
That's one thing that I thinks a little lame. It's claimed to be a realism mod, and yet it forsakes realism to make it so you die less to grenades.
I actually prefer to have less grenades, but still.. which is it? Realism, or preference?
I think it's preference under the image of realism. If you want a game to be perfectly realistic to war then remove all crosshairs and add speed penalties for damage taken to non vital areas.
Crosshairs are the most unrealistic part of any shooter game, and yet it gets overlooked. Why? 'Cos it'd be less fun to play without one.
War was never fun. Games are supposed to be.
I'll always take fun over realism, if you have to have one or the other. I personally think MoH has a nice blend of both.
It's not the best game I ever played but I enjoy it as it is.
EDITED: added the 'not' in the last sentance
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 23, 2002).]