Thread: Reality mod
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Default 01-23-2002, 12:55 AM

Siggi, it's a videogame. It's not meant to be ultra-realistic. It takes more than a few bullets to take a player down to add difficulty and playability to the game.

Last night I played on a CPR server for the first time. Now, I am a good player, consistantly the top player on a map, but it was just TOO easy. Given that it only takes a few shots, players don't have an opportunity to change direction and face their attacker. Fire fights don't exist, really. It's just mow 'em down, run and gun. No more circling each other, which I find fun. That is what MP is.

MP was never meant to be realistic. Personally, I believe the CPR mod was created for players whom have a hard time getting frags. It's just too bloody easy. The weapons are unbalanced for a reason - one has a trade off, but always has a benefit unto itself. People who whine about shotguns, grenades, and rockets aren't very good.
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