01-23-2002, 05:09 AM
lol obviously you havent played with me.
a person who has better aiming skill will totally dominate CPR why? because they can land 2 shots alot quicker easier than your average player.
and yes it does go both ways. since average players dont need to be as consitently acurate. they have a much better chance against more skilled players since they only have to hit them twice now instead of 4-6 times.
so therefor, CPR lowers the skill level across the board.
oh and it does nothing to change the gameplay, people still nade rush on CPR server, the Rocket launcher is still great for clearing a room and stopping a rush.
NOTHING has changed except now skilless lamers can actually kill me where as on a normal server they wouldnt have a snow flakes chance in hell.
Want quick kills? learn to hit the head. (hint the k98k is awsome for head shots)