Thread: Reality mod
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Default 01-23-2002, 05:52 AM

if sucking at it means almot always at the top in a server then yeah i guess i suck.

what is so hard to understand about this.

lets do some simple math

skillful player has a hit percentage of say 40%

average player has lets say 20%

SMG has 30 rounds.

30 x .4 = 12 rounds hit

30 x .2 = 6 rounds hit

now depending on hit location the newbie should still be able to get a kill in normal mode with a single full clip.

notice that the skillful player is all but garunteed at least 1 kill with a smg with 1 full clip.

this doesnt take into account lag or any other factor. just straight numbers.

now in CPR a newbie doesnt have to worry about hit location, he can just hold down the trigger and spray spray spray. No skillful burst fire, no need to worry about groupings. my mom could get 2 lucky shots off.

i dominated CPR servers just like i dominate normal servers.

again, ive seen it a million times on both kinds of server. GAMEPLAY HAS NOT CHANGED. PEOPLE STILL RUSH HEAD LONG INTO THE FIRE FIGHT!!!!

i got tired of some idiot all the way across the map firing the mg full auto and hitting me all the way acroos the map even though the only thing visible is my head sticking around the corner. an MG is not that accurate im sorry.

so again, please continue to play your realism mod. that will mean the higher skilled players will all flock to my server(once they fix the dedicated server that is).
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