01-23-2002, 06:00 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
i think my point has been proven by the original poster.
he said he was an average player who normaly has more deaths than kills.
he plays realism now since he doesnt have to have as much skill(only hit once or twice) he is all the sudden more effective.
bottom line cpr removes alot of skill from the game and unbalances the weapons.
but by all means play it that means the non cpr server will have less no talent newbies on them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually, the CPR mod makes it HARDER. If he was moving around, he woudl be killed just as easily.
You can not point to his good performance from his shooting, without looking at who was shooting at him.
The CPR mod makes that game more REAL, meaning HARDER.
I prefer the CPR's.
Because after emptying a clip into someones face, and him having about 1 health left to kill me is BS. That is not skill on his part, or lack on mine.
That is UT, that is Quake, that is CS, that is FAKE AND BULLSHIT.