Thread: Reality mod
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jonesy-the-cat is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-23-2002, 07:18 AM

Just because you play on CPR, or do better on CPR does not mean you are an inferior player in any way. I believe people making statements to that effect are trying to prove something (brag).

As has been stated, you kill with 1 shot and DIE with 1 shot. How can a player make it through the whole game without getting killed, yet scoring some kills himself, without skill being involved?

No one can kill you on a non-CPR game? Rubbish. What you are saying is that when someone hits you in a CPR game, you die, but when they hit you in a non-CPR game, you are alerted to their location, and then you shoot them more times than they shoot you (or more times on head) so you win. So you are saying you are not very observant and need to be quite bulletproof to have a chance to shoot back. Lame.

Please drop the attitude. There's not much worse than an inferior player with an attitude. If you are good you don't go around bragging. It's the players that doubt their abilities that go around trying to puff themselves up.
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