Thread: Reality mod
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Default 01-23-2002, 07:44 AM

I have experienced that a lot, jonesy. It does seem odd how you can be point blank range and still miss when you open up.

It tends to only happen when you are moving and shooting at a moving target, though.

I'm no expert but I can imagine the bullets I'm loosing out without any control are actually flying up and behind my crosshair (so if you're moving to the left, your bullets are flying out to the right some-what). So far as I remember this drift happens in CS, too.

This happened to me maybe two or three times before I adapted and began to keep calm and control my fire even at close range.

It works for me.

It's bloody hard to not open up a clip at close range, 'cos you're desperate to drop the other guy before he drops you.

However, it rewards you 8 times of 10 when you do tap the mouse, rather than hold down, even in close combat situations. Just the same as it penalises you for holding down fire until the clip is emptied.

I know you are aware of this fact, and I'm not trying to patronise you, but it reinforces why I enjoy non cpr more...

If I come up against a wall that I can't get past I learn how to climb over it. Once you have gotten over that wall you feel much better than if you just took the bricks out and stepped through.

That's my philosophy in gaming.

Having difficulty in killing with any gun, in any given situation, in a game is my wall. In my eyes CPR is simply taking out the bricks of that wall.

I prefer to climb

I state again, though... I do not think CPR takes less skill. I just think it's different.

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