01-23-2002, 08:52 AM
Wow, something I posted is still around. Weird. Please pardon me if the following sounds like rambling, but it's been a long day at work.
First, I agree that in the game (both regular and CPR), the better player usually wins the duels. This is due, I believe, to the fact that the other player is better at moving and shooting while moving than I am. At close range, the really good players combine CONSTANT movement and crouching/jumping with good accuracy to kill me while I am less skilled at these things.
I have played only three FPSs, the most recent of which is Serious Sam. I feel that most of the comments dismissing the CPR servers are born of the attitude that all games of this genre should incorporate the same damage levels. One of the things that attracted me to this game was the hope that a different damage system would create a different play style, but it appears that anyone who hoped for a game that put a higher premium on different skills (i.e., positioning, team movement, accuracy on moving targets at range, basically all the skills required in actual combat) is labelled a no-skill newbie and subjected to extreme derision.
I like Serious Sam, AND MoH. They both play, however, very similarly in my humble opinion. I play both CPR and regular, and enjoy both.
If they release a mod that cuts the damage weapons do in half, will the players that play the regular game be no skill hacks?
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Oh, and a cheese Danish, too.