01-24-2002, 11:42 AM
I'm suprised no one replied to any comments I made, especially since they tackle the issue at it's roots.
MP games are designed very carefully. They've been around for years and developers know the best combinations of weapons/classes and maps to use. A lot of people bitch about certain weapons or tactics, but as I've said loads of times - a good player can overcome the shotguns, rockets, grenades, etc. It takes some learning, but nearly everyone can get the hang of it.
Still, the most essential point I made is lost on all of you. The weapons are obviously given certain attributes and some are designed to be more powerful than others. To quote myself: "The whole reason there are rockets and shotguns is to give the poor player a chance to kill. BUT good players should be able to overcome their one-shot advantage."
You have to learn to use a particular weapon, and while the SMG and MG may seem weak at first when compared to others, one will quickly realize that they are indeed the most effective weapon in the game.
The damage levels are there for a reason and they're carefully set by professionals. Basically, CPR knocks it all out of whack and the strategy, skill, and tactics learned by good players are undermined massively. There's no longer a point in learning to strafe, circle, duck, jump, run, dodge, etc. These strategies are the cornerstone of MP.