01-24-2002, 01:30 AM
Fantasically, you've all missed my point - again! Please, if you're really interested, read my posts carefully. The lack of response leads me to believe that I'm on to something...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WileyP:
"MoH is not ment to be a run and gun game,but to be played by using tactics and strategy"
That is the single biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. If those guys designed the game to be played by using tactics and strategy why did they design maps that don't facilitate this? Sounds like lip-service to me.
I appreciate the player's desire for increased realism, but it will only work when two conditions are met:
1. The game needs to be originally designed so that realism hinders "Rambo-style" hero tactics from individuals by putting a penalty on being shot. For example, limping, crawling, etc. (See Operation Flashpoint). Weapons obviously need to deliever appropriate damage and maps need to be created so that they represent real environments. None of that is represented in MOHAA or any mod for it.
2. There needs to be a conscious effort on the behalf of the participants to adhere to squad tactics and team co-operation. This is impossible on a public server. You will always have a "Rambo-type" with the intent to score as many frags as possible.
THEREFORE, realism cannot exist in MOHAA MP as it stands now.
Still, CPR sounds suspect. I imagine if those who champion CPR were as good in regular play, I doubt they'd care about altering the experience to begin with. It sounds to be that you're frustrated with being killed.
OK, you want realism, but to what end? Isn't the object of playing a game to win? By either completing the objective or killing the most players you win? Well, I can accomplish both, on CPR and regular. I prefer regular because it's more of a challenge.
Perhaps I'm the one missing the essential point, but to me by playing CPR "you're getting your realism, but those players with skill are losing their learned advantage and poor players are given a boost in their ability."
You're trying to alter a game in a way that it shouldn't be. You can't have one aspect real to suit your skill, but not another. It's this reason why many of us believe the CPR is less challenging. By seeing regular-style players as simple run and gun types, you're demeaning our ability. Many lash back and call CPR players "newbies." I don't have to liken them to such undesirable terms, but I honestly do think that CPR requires far less skill to accomplish either an objective or obtain the most frags.
Read carefully the points I've made. I'm interested in having someone properly debate the issues I've raised.