01-24-2002, 02:17 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
Have the BALLS??? Excuse me, BALLS for a bloody computer game? Since when have balls been required? Maybe if your peers consist of a gaggle of spotty-faced 12 year-olds hanging on the corner your game abilities might count for something...otherwise one might not give a monkey's toss.
What you are clearly failing to understand Madrebel is that if I rose to your 'challenge' it would indicate that I take you seriously. At the risk of hurting your feelings I have to inform you that I take you about as seriously as I would a Bugs Bunny cartoon. I play MoH for fun, not to try and prove to myself that I matter. I got real life accomplishments that more than adequately cover that issue.
haha no you dont. you seem to think any "real world" things you have done account for something. you play games too nerd. the difference is you play them badly. oh btw, everyone plays games for fun euro trash boi.
p.s. heh dont assume im young dont assume i dont have a life.