First-Man-Down, whether you believe it or not I am quite competent with the circle-strafe and associated BS. Though I refuse to bunny-hop. And if too many players are dancing (Circle-Strafing) I leave the game. Not because I can't compete but because I consider it lame as hell and don't enjoy it. If it came to stats I'd guess I lose six out of ten Circle-Strafes because I don't practice it. Generally nobody gets close enough to me to make it worth learning. I only encounter it when I go around a corner and an opponent runs head-first into me.
Sniper rifle...oh boy, I became a MoH master-sniper after about eight hours on Omaha yesterday on various servers. I hate to strafe-dodge, but doing it in the bunker was a slaughter-fest. It's the only way to counter the beach-snipers and the practice I got was invaluable. I got so bored popping people that I went on the MG's...I got wasted plenty but it was FUN.
I've never counted myself as a particularly outstanding FPS player, but MoH would make a one-legged donkey look good. Like I've said before, once you've 'mastered' MoH you're on a plateau that goes no higher. If mastery of MoH was a ceiling, 90% of it's players are standing bent.
Anyone can kill in MoH...the real 'skill' is displayed by those who do it AND survive bouts consistently. But they're easy to defeat when whole teams play like twats and rush willy-nilly...everyone dies then and 'skill' takes a back seat. Killing five opponents with a shotgun rush, then dying yourself, is nothing more than quake BS for me. I aim to kill and live, and if every other player is trying to do the same you have the perfect situation for a top quality game.
If you
really want to test your gaming skills I suggest you get into sims. Three-dimensional combat, in virtual machines of widely differing capabilities, with a physics-based don't get no harder than that on a PC. Madrebel...nah, I won't even go there.