Sorry FMS, I didn't know you considered a UBB to be a chat-room.
Well Madrebel, do please tell us what protocols YOU use for you MP seem to have neglected that in your last post, you hole-digging chump. Technical expertise? Damn, I must have missed it when it shot out your big gob and rushed past my head at near light speed. Or maybe that was just the gusts of hot air you continue to guff, you inarticulate dunce.
And do tell me how you connect to your "dedicated server"...over a LAN per chance? ping in that case. So cue the BS..."I run a server from location X and connect to it from location Z." Prove it. You talk so much garbage about everything else, you insecure dweeb, that nothing you say can be considered trust-worthy.
For entertainment value you score high. Anything else, you're nothing more than an embarrassing spectacle. Can't be bothered to "proof read" your posts? Shouldn't need to if you could get it right the first time. That's called
self respect or
pride...a bit like keeping oneself clean or dressing nicely. It's how you present yourself to the world...and if you
can't be arsed to do it well, assuming you know how to in the first place, you're nothing more than a grubby slob. If your syntax, grammar and spelling are anything to go by I'd guess you shower/bath but once a week and smell like a dead rat that's just been pulled out of a corpse's arse.
You're a state...sort yourself out.
(Ooh...did I just
own your sorry ass? Or was that the
whole thread?)