<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
I play both CPR and non-CPR too Ydiss. Only difference between them is I play only the sniper rifle now in non-CPR...and feel guilty for it too. I don't like having a wonder weapon whilst other's SMG rounds etc are effectively bouncing off my armoured hide. But on the other side of that coin is the fact the sniper rifle sucks in close maps. I can pop out and do somebody with a rapid-fire wep in non-CPR fights, but it doesn't happen how I like it to happen...short burst and they're dead. I have to stand there like a plank whilst I put the obligatory half a clip into them and give every sniper in range a free shot at me. Or run around like a muppet as I fire and feel like I'm the best armed maypole dancer the world's ever seen.
I get more satisfaction from sneaking around for half an hour and killing one guy who values his virtual life than I do from running up a 100-kill session on quak mode. But that's just me. 
you are so stupid it actually hurts to read your drivel.
normal MoH takes maybe 6 shots to kill someone. I can usually kill in 3 shots with the M1 and 2 max with the mauser. SMG = 6 shots maybe, MG 4 shots should do. how is that "being armored" as you put it?
also to clear up your previous post.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Well Madrebel, do please tell us what protocols YOU use for you MP gaming...you seem to have neglected that in your last post, you hole-digging chump<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>this was intentional because i know you dont know wtf youre talking about.
ALL inernet games use the udp protocol. udp is connectionless and is one of the 3 major tcp/ip protocols can you name the other 2?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>And do tell me how you connect to your "dedicated server"...over a LAN per chance? Mmm...zero ping in that case. So cue the BS..."I run a server from location X and connect to it from location Z." Prove it<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>to be exact i host the dedicated server from a machine at work. it is directly connected to a extreme networks blackdiamond switch which is in turn connected to a ciso 3640 which is in turn connected to 2 sprint T1 lines. Both T1s are bonded together giving me effectively 3 megabits. How many channels in a T1 and why do T1s handle multiple connections better than dsl and cable? From there i connect to that DEDICATED server from my home 1meg/1meg sdsl line. I get pings of 20-50 from my house to my server at work. yes its a great ping but its not like actually being on the server since packet loss and such still applies to me.
and again i dont care about you or what you think of me you uptight euro piece of trash. i make enough money that i dont give a shit what others think about me either so f off.
my points still stand, you suck at MoH and you dont know shit about how games actually work in regards to the networking.