01-24-2002, 06:13 AM
Wow. This has been quite the "entertaining" read today. Personally, I think each and every one of you have a valid point.
Myself, I don't like the circle-jerk-straffe crap. When's the last time you saw something on the History channel, or in an encylopedia that referenced that shit? (Oops, I'm digressing already, this is a VIDEO-GAME, NOT REALITY.)
My point of view is in line with Ydiss in the respect that on a public server you will very rarely get teamwork. As a result, you just get this clusterf**k thing that we see now. (Nade spamming for the first 1:30 and mindless bum-rush tactics.)
Now at least on a CPR modded server, those "willy-nilly" folk will have their asses handed to em REAL quick. (And yes, I'm guilty as charged as I occationally do it.)
For me, ok spam heads read the words comming outta my mouth: FOR ME I enjoy having to be more cautious in my movements. This is because I know if I'm hanging my ass out there for the world to see it, well, there won't be much of it left to see. Unlike a non_CPR server where I can take considerably more punishment before paying the price for bad tactics.
Is this game REALISTIC. I think that answer is pretty obvious. If you really want to find out how many shots somebondy can take, go down to your local armed forces recruiting station, enlist and ask to be sent out to the front lines in our fight against terrorism.
In the meantime, find the server that best suits YOUR playing style and preferences. Who cares what f**king protocol this games uses as long as you don't have a really bad ping to the server you're trying to play on. And please don't start the techno-bable shit. It's not really the point of this thread. It seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the lines. Wasn't the original question asked by CorpusDan:
"So: My question is, does the reality mod somehow improve the accuracy of the rifle, or just the damage that it does?"
F**K, get over yourselves already....
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?