07-07-2003, 10:07 AM
Oh, I forgot to add... A lot of people in the thread on TMT said that other sites have more strict modding. They then go on to have a dig at Innoxx for being too harsh and rude, as if this is the sole reason for aa.com's reputation. Give him a break!
Innoxx (and other more recently added mods) are trying their best to help the site they are regulars in by getting tougher on trouble makers and this site is slowly beginning to sort itself out.
He may be harsh but the site needs it and there's a visible improvement to thread quality recently (that's down to all the mods, not just Innoxx). It's not as friendly as some might like it to be, but it has character.
It still stands that this site will never be totally clean until we have an owner that takes an interest (I can't blame Badscript for his lack of interest, though, it's a thankless task).
But at least there are people trying to make it a better place, whilst trying to retain the character of the forum and not make it a boring fan site where everyone is nice to everyone all of the time and hardly anyone posts.
I tend to agree with something Innoxx said a while back:
"There is such a thing as being too PC."
Amen to that.
I hope some of the members of TMT read this as it was initially intended to be posted there.