<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
you, like many others. take internet forums far to seriously. if you think what i say here is in anyway represenative of me in the real world youre, once again, sadly mistaken. i like using forums for entertainment during my othewise boring working day
point still stands though. you dont know a gawd damned thing about what youre talking about. at least i do lol 
[This message has been edited by madrebel (edited January 25, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Nah. The holes in that are so big I could drive a bus through them. I take the internet too seriously? You take this second-rate game too seriously mate. Front-line soldiers talk less soldier bollocks than you do, Mr One-Shot-Kill Berringer. Why don't you get into a real game? Not that you'd know one if it hit you in the head, judging by your incredible comments concerning WW2Online's flight models. I mean, that game has to have the most badly modelled a/c of any game in the last ten years.
Ooh...shall I ask you some arcane questions about FM's and DM's. Or aero-dynamics? Lol. Twat.