Thread: Reality mod
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Default 01-25-2002, 01:40 AM

/my best carnival sales pitch

Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
We got a real winner here folks. Step right up and see the freak show. Watch as our limp dick know it all, madrebel, the most kick ass MOH:AA player on earth, schools us all on why he is the best! He not only knows how to play the best, he's also versed in all that there is to know about networking AND the OSI layers! Step right up folks! Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime wonderment! Will he continue to degrade himself for all to see?
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Only a $1.00 to see the show....

madrebel, you sir are an idiot. Not once in my post did I personally say anything derogitory towards you, and yet the first thing to come out of your mouth is a put down on my name. Grow up man. Let's see, does knowing exactly how the game sends information really make you a better player? Come on man, get a grip. Your reachng for the proverbial straw. If someone has a higher ping than you, you are at an advantage. That's fairly obvious to anyone that's played the game for any length of time.
So you're going to be Cisco certified. BFD. So am I. I'm supposed to be impressed with that?
I fail to see how being certified at anything makes you a better video game player? Or maybe that's what you do all day while at work? Costing your company money while you dick around setting up a dedicated server using company property and resources. Get a life you fucking loser!

Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?
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