Thread: Reality mod
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Pvt. Parts is Offline
Posts: 66
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Santa Cruz, California
Default 01-25-2002, 03:05 AM

Oh and now YOU'RE a fucking english teacher?

Come on wanker, what's up YOUR other sleeve?

Do you have any more words of wisdom for us that seem to be beneath you?

As far as the blow job goes, I don't think I'm the one that needs it. YOU'RE the one that seems to have a problem with an opinion other than YOURS.

Do you really think I take these forums seriously? Come on man, those of with even half a brain figured you out by YOUR 2nd post. I bet in YOUR past life, you were a fisherman huh? (Bait the hook, throw into water. Wait to see what bites?)

Ha ha. It's all in good fun you stroke. These are just arenas in which to practice YOUR written verbal sparring skills.

Ok teacher...did I pass the english test this round?

Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?
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