Thread: Reality mod
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Default 01-25-2002, 03:44 AM

then you rate yourself to high.

i mean come on. a good player in this type of game has the following

1) situational awareness
2) movment/positioning
3) aim
4) knowledge of the map, using it to his benefit

anyone who has played counter-strike type games knows how to do these and do them well.

now what does CPR change? it changes number 3 only. Now the really good players who can split the ball hair of a gnat at 200 yards with a pistol! can now drop you in 2 shots anywhere on the body.

Now this is the last time i explain this.

VIDEO GAMES ARE NOT, CANNOT BE, AND SHOULDNT BE 100% REALISTIC. If reality is so much fun why are you playing video games in the first place? Shouldnt you be out forming a crack commando squad and taking on your local gang?

That said.

The challenge of MoH/Counter-Strike type games is this.

Hitting your target in specific areas of the body. Also, different weapons in these types of games are SUPPOSED to have differing power levels.

Pistols should be weak overall yet effective in close range

sniper/rifles should be slow with not alot of ammo yet be balls on accurate

SMGs are medium powred and should be great at close range, decent at mid range, and horrible at long range. AND, they should get more inaccurate the longer you hold down the trigger.

MGs are similar to SMGs but more powerful and slightly better at long range due to the lage cartridge.

Shotguns are for close range. usually used for rushing.

Rocket launcher, when used correclty either punches holes in a defense or supresses a rush.

Grenades supress a rush and flush enemies.


now if none of you understand any of that. well you once and for all prove to me how much you suck at games. which is fine, just be honest with yourself.
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