01-25-2002, 05:26 AM
Ok - theres NO WAY im going to read through all of your posts. Although I did actually read each of the exchanges between MADA and SIGGI. Fun stuff that actually has me excited about getting back to MOH. Thats right - FRIDAY night and I'm looking forward to an online-game while my counter-parts are out drinking and getting easy sex. GOD THEY SUCK!!!!
In any case - BOTH sides present damn good arguments to the merits of CPR, and non-CPR play style. However, and I cant be arsed to find out who said it, this ISNT a realistic game - and isn't designed as such. That should be accepted by everyone. Noone running, RUNNING, with a bazooka will have the manuverability to not only reload but escape countless weapons firing on them - much less hop their asses out of trouble. But it was coded like that nonetheless. I think MOH has achieved a fairly good game with a basic emphasis on Team-based play. They gave us the keys to the car. We just chose to drive the bastard into a tree.
Which is the problem. You have individuals trying to bring a RAINBOW 6, OPERATION FLASHPOINT realism and game mechanics to a game based on QUAKE 3 - thats just a NO-NO!!!. You're automatically going to come into problems because youre trying to make a game something it is not. When you mod the game as you do - with CPR and such - you take away the intended purpose of the game in the first place. I doubt I'm coming very clear over this computer (almost quittin time, and I can feel my trigger-finger getting itchy), but none of you can truly know the "real-world" mechanics sneccessary to bring such a facet to a game lioke MOH. "REALISM" is a misnomer in itself, expressing some form of unity and predictability to real life events. It doesnt happen that way folks. Sorry. The are a myriad of things that can happen in real-life that a game will not PURPOSELY account for because where is the fun. MOH is at heart a MP game. Bottom line. As such you are going to take hits and still be able to survive. AND walk effeciently into a new room, grab a life pack ff your fallen comrade who didnt survive the ZOOK-attack, and keep on gaming your merry old way. Did any of us complain when MARIO got hit by a fireball from KOOPA and didn't go down from first-degree burns? No. Lol.
And that really is the point - realism to a degree. After a point it becomes a hinderance on a games ability to be the kind of fun and engaging "pop culture" jerk fest that these games are designed for. Truly - if you want ultra-realism in your games, play those that put a premium on it - IL-2 and so on and so forth.
This game is it - to a certain point. And I personally like it as it is.
And MAD - lol, you ARE coming off as an arrogant bastard with no doubt skill - but a bastard nonetheless. SIGGI? - you're coming off as a little stubborn and ignorant by not acknowledging MAD's obvious grasp of the technical side of this argument (trust me - a fool from I.S. read over his post - hes got you there). Both offer damn fine ideas to the contrary, but youre your own worst enemies in getting your points across.
Thus ends my sermon.
(You'd think after 2 hours of reading all this - I'd have more to say...hmmmmm)