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Default 07-08-2003, 01:26 AM

well thank the guys that modeled it. all the info is in the README. but it does take more work than these people such as schlass seem to think to get these to work in moh. for instance on the carbine in question, I had to totally redo the barrel mesh just so the reloads would work correctly. anyone who knows how can compare the models in milkshape or lightray and see this. what really gets me is the attitude these people have. they seem to think I am being paid for this or something. the only reason I do anything mod related is for YOU PEOPLE. even the people like schlass, the ones that dont appreciate that simple fact. and no, i am not flaming, I'm just sick of these people popping off for no other reason than to up thier post count. the way I see it, if you are not here to either post a mod, or to download one, you shouldnt be here at all.
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